A Typical Day

Morning Meditation

We begin each day listening to God and meditating on His Word as we quietly prepare ourselves for the day ahead with the Lord. The purpose of meditations in the CFO program is to unite together in an awareness of the presence of God, to refocus and prioritize our day. In the stillness, we learn to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Beginning our day with delicious food and fellowship.
Morning Worship (Singing)
At CFO, we worship God through song with old hymns, contemporary worship music, and everything in between. We thrive on the joy of praise and thanksgiving to God. Authentic worship goes beyond the casual, letting our faith and our desire to be true to Christ be the driver of our actions. Worship is a time and place to meet with God with no interruptions or compromise, but just honest intimacy in His presence, establishing a heart of joy as we lift our hearts and voices to God and delve into the intimacy of His presence through beautiful and meaningful song.
Morning Talk
A speaker shares what God has been doing in his or her life, giving a powerful testimony of God’s loving kindness and unfailing faithfulness. The purpose of talks in the CFO program is to share the principles of Kingdom Living that have had personal meaning in the life of the speaker, to inspire attendees to a deeper spiritual walk, to share the impact of prayer, and to convey personal experiences of what it means to be an “Athlete in the Spirit.”
Rhythms (also known as “Devotion in Motion”) is the part of the CFO day where we worship God with our whole bodies by combining music, dance, and exercise in an uninhibited and child-like giving of ourselves in physical praise and worship to God. It is a time of exercise, release, play, and prayer. “In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28.
This part of the CFO day offers opportunities of listening and expressing in visible and audible ways the things that God has been speaking over us and to us. Attendees are invited to enter the kindergarten of creativity and discover all the joyous opportunities for spiritual expression. Creatives time offers us the opportunity to listen to and record our bravest prayers.
A time to refuel our bodies with delicious tastiness.
Horizontal Hour
Also known as rest time! Founder Glenn Clark envisioned this part of the CFO day as a time of quiet reflection on the day’s events, and a time to rest the body and mind in order to allow God to work within us. This time helps maintain the balance of the day’s activities and helps us to feel refreshed each day. It’s a break from the activities and interactions of the day with a chance for a nap or some time to simply lay down and relax in the presence of our Almighty God. It’s the Sabbath of every day!
Free Time
Not to be minimized in the CFO program, free time is provided for recreation of one’s own choosing. It’s a loving respite, a chance to visit with other attendees, read, take a hike, play outdoors, check out the book table, gather together to challenge each other in a game of ultimate frisbee, or take in some of the fascinating beauty that surrounds the event location.
Prayer Prep and Prayer Groups
Prayer Preparation brings us back together to realign our focus on Christ. Prayer Prep challenges our everyday notion of what prayer is, we are encouraged to experiment with prayer. It calls attendees into attitudes of earnest prayer, prayer without boundaries, and brave prayers. Prayer is the foundation of the CFO experience and involves silent prayer, spoken prayer, prayer for individual concerns, and group prayer. We take everything to God readily and with confidence because we have learned that He answers prayer. The primary purposes of prayer groups are to seek God and experience His loving presence, to let go of our needs, and to listen for His guidance. We take the principles of relinquishment, forgiveness, agreement, joyous expectancy, trust, and giving thanks, and we bring them to life.
More yummy food! Oh boy, eats!
Evening Worship (Singing)
At CFO, we worship God through song with old hymns, contemporary worship music, and everything in between. We thrive on the joy of praise and thanksgiving to God. Authentic worship goes beyond the casual, letting our faith and our desire to be true to Christ be the driver of our actions. Worship is a time and place to meet with God with no interruptions or compromise, but just honest intimacy in His presence, establishing a heart of joy as we lift our hearts and voices to God and delve into the intimacy of His presence through beautiful and meaningful song.
Evening Talk
This is a second chance to hear what God has been and continues to do in the heart and life of one of the speakers. A speaker shares what God has been doing in his or her life, giving a powerful testimony of God’s loving kindness and unfailing faithfulness. The purpose of talks in the CFO program is to share the principles of Kingdom Living that have had personal meaning in the life of the speaker, to inspire attendees to a deeper spiritual walk, to share the impact of prayer, and to convey personal experiences of what it means to be an “Athlete in the Spirit.”
9 o’clock Prayer
At 9pm, in each time zone around the world, CFOers set aside a moment of their day to pray this simple prayer for peace. Together, we become part of the belt of prayer around the world as we pray the 9 O’Clock Prayer. Although this may be a new idea, the prayer is not entirely unfamiliar: “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Amen.”

Afterglow (Snacks)

Simply put, this is a time for a small but tasty pre-bedtime snack and informal fellowship with each other. Evening snacks are a time for casual conversations at the end of the day, time to decompress, laugh, talk with and enjoy one another over snacks and drinks.


 2024 Leaders

Speakers ….. Ruth Johnson & Carol Powers

Song Leaders ……. Kate & Steve Miserocchi

Rhythms ….. Judy Hakanson Smith

Meditations …………….. Council Ring    

Creatives …..…………. Council Ring

Prayer Host ………. TBD

Prayer Hostess ……. TBD

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