You can pay your registration fee by either check or most credit cards (using PayPal) NOTE: You will be charged an extra fee for doing this. We are encouraging all campers (including Council Ring) to click on the link below and register online for the upcoming Coastal Maine. Please use the link below to register.
The registration fee is due in advance. Make checks payable to “Coastal Maine CFO” and mail with application (found in our brochure) to the registrar. (Sorry but we cannot accept credit cards when you check in at the Franciscan Guest House – CASH or CHECK ONLY). Room assignments are made in the order received. This is a small camp and early registration is encouraged.
Registration TBD/person, TBD/couple
Room & Board Based on 5 days, per person
Double Rate = TBD
Single Rate = TBD
PART -TIME CAMPERS are welcome as space is available, rates being an appropriate percent of the 5-day rate.
Registration fees go for expenses, lodging, meals, and travel for leaders. An offering will be received to help with honorariums and scholarships.
SCHOLARSHIPS – For first time attendees, a limited number of full and partial scholarships for room and board are available. For more information click here or contact the registrar.
For more information about Coastal Maine CFO, email: Steve Hubbard
For questions about this website please email the webmaster.